Healthy blood cells
The RBCs are round and separated

They move through the capillaries very easily

Picture of Blood Cells
Suggested causes
Possible effects
Rouleau (Staking)
High fat, high protein diet
High blood acidity due to: stress, soft drinks, coffee, cigarettes and meat
Fatigue, shortness of breath
Cold hand, feet
Stress on heart
High fat, high protein diet
High blood acidity due to: stress, soft drinks, coffee, cigarettes and meat
Blood clot, which can cause stroke or heart attack
Excessive toxins from: food, cigarettes, pollution
Kidney and liver stress
Cholesterol crystals
High animal fat diet
Heart disease, stroke
Black crystals
Prolonged intake of medication, tobacco, marijuana
Liver cirrhosis

Blood flows from the Arteriole, delivering oxygen, nutrients and hormones to all cells in our body by passing through Capillaries. It also collects carbon dioxide, waste and toxins from cells whilst passing through Venule.

The size of our red blood cells is 7 microns, whilst our capillaries are just 5 microns. This means that red blood cells can only pass through the capillaries one cell at a time.

Healthy red blood cells are able to pass through the capillaries without any problem because they are active and flexible. However stacking and aggregated blood cells are unable to pass through the capillaries easily.

For the blood cells to squeeze through the capillaries, our heart has to pump harder. Over a period of time, this will lead to Hypertension or blood clot formation . Blood clots that occur in our heart will lead to heart attacks, if the clots is in our brain it will lead to stroke. Therefore, keeping our blood cells healthy is extremely essential to a healthy life.
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