01. What is blue_i™ ?
02. What is Phycocyanin ?
03. What is the difference between blue_i™ and spirulina, as phycocyanin is derived from spirulina ?
04. Why is it important to improve the blood quality ?
05. What significant effects will I be able to see after consuming blue_i™ ?
06. What is the uniqueness of blue_i™ in comparison to other supplements ?
07. Who should take blue_i™ ?
08. How much blue_i™ should I take ?
09. When is the best time to consume blue_i™ ?
10. How long do I need to consume blue_i™ to see the effect ?
11. Can vegetarians consume blue_i™ ?
12. Can blue_i™ be consumed during pregnancy ?
13. Can children consume blue_i™ ?
14. Can diabetic patients take blue_i™ ?
15. Can patients with kidney problems take blue_i™ ?
16. How will hypertension patients benefit from consuming blue_i™ ?
17. Is blue_i™ recommended for patients after surgery ?
18. Can blue_i™ help those who are having low immunity ?
19. Can phycocyanin help cancer patients ?
20. Do I need to take blue_i™ daily ?
21. Do I have to stop taking other supplements when I am consuming blue_i™ ?
22. blue_i™comes in a glass ampoule. What happens if I accidentally ingest some of the glass from the ampoule ?
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