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blue_i™, is a dietary food supplement, formulated by two scientists in Switzerland, using the most advanced Swiss Bio-Technology. blue_i™, is deemed “the origin of life” because of its active ingredient, Phycocyanin, extracted from deep sea marine micro algae that have been in existence for over 3.5 billion years. |
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Phycocyanin is a rich brilliant blue pigment extracted from spirulina. Phycocyanin is the active ingredient of spirulina and is power packed with health benefits. blue_i™ contains 100% active Phycocyanin. |
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Phycocyanin is the active ingredient of spirulina. The spirulina that is available in the market is generally green in color, and contains small amounts of phycocyanin. Spirulina has high nutritional value, but blue_i™’s formulation is 100% of the precious active constituent –phycocyanin, that specifically targets in the rejuvenation of blood cells.
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Having a good blood circulation is important for our health, but it is just one of the important processes of good health. However, the most crucial part is to ensure that the quality of blood cells is in optimal condition. Blood cells circulate throughout the body carrying nutrients and oxygen to all organs, if the quality of blood is compromised, the organs in our body will be deprived of vital nutrients and oxygen.
There are 3 important roles of blood:
I. Nutrient carrier
Blood carries oxygen, nutrients and hormones to our cells. These are the substances that our cells need to function properly.
II. Waste disposal
Blood also help us to transport all the toxins, waste and carbon dioxide out from our cells.
III. Defense system
Blood contains white blood cells and antibodies, which will help to destroy bacteria and viruses.
Scientific research has proven that phycocyanin is beneficial in rejuvenating bone marrow and cells’ function.
blue_i™ contains 100% phycocyanin that helps to maintain healthy blood cells, improve the functions of the cells, when cells are healthy, organs become healthy and as a result we will also become healthy.
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blue_i™ focuses on improving blood conditions. Under a microscope, you can see your blood condition improve after 30 minutes of consuming blue_i™.
However, your overall improve blood conditions can be noticed within a few weeks of blue_i™ consumption. Depending on individuals, some experience changes sooner, whilst others need more time. Whether you are experiencing changes or not, there are definitely, changes taking place internally in your body.
We have several testimonies from our consumers on the many immediate benefits that they have experienced. Some of them include an increase in energy levels, smoother skin, and improvements on diabetic and high blood pressure conditions. Cancer patients have also felt more energetic and their immune system was strengthened.
There were even testimonies from people who did not experience any hangover after a heavy bout of alcohol consumption. This clearly proves that the detoxification process of the liver is highly effective with blue _i™.
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blue_i™, has many unique features that makes it a revolutionary much sought after product. The most significant features are its efficacy, quality and uniqueness.
I. blue_i™ contains 100% active ingredients
II. It is vacuum packed (no bacteria, no air) and its UV protective glass ampoule ensures the best quality of the active ingredients remains intact from the processing plant up to the time of consumption when the seal is broken.
III. Its cultivation, harvesting and extraction process obtain 3 international patents
IV. blue_i™, was developed by two scientists in Switzerland using Swiss bio-technology. |
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blue_i™ is a product that focuses in blood cells, and hence it is suitable for anyone that wants to improve their blood condition. It is especially beneficial to anyone that is under stress, ill, on long-term medications, weak and lethargic, and for people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy. |
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We recommend the following:
To maintain health & energy:1 ampoule per day |
Those having hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and other degenerative diseases: 2 ampoules per day |
Those who are on high risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis, cancer: 4 ampoules/day |
It is important to consume a minimum of 3 liters of water per day for optimum results. |
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You can take it anytime you wish, but the best time will be in the morning before breakfast for best results. |
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All the diseases that we are having now take years to develop before it appear physically. It may take up to five to ten years or even more before we diagnosed with the symptoms or diseases. Same phenomena happen to our body if we want to get rid of a disease. It might also need more and longer times to being adjusted and revitalized, especially our blood cells such as red blood cells that have 120 days of life span.
Thus, for you to get the satisfaction, we always recommended customers to at least consume blue_i™ for 4 months (dosage depends on their own body condition). We need to invest in our own health. If affordable, long-term investment in our health is very important. |
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Vegetarians normally, tend to have anemic problems due to lack of protein, and Phycocyanin in blue_i™ helps to increase red blood cells count, and alleviate the problem of being anemic. |
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Pregnant women tend to have anemic problems. Phycocyanin in blue_i™ helps to increase red blood cells count, and alleviate the problem of being anemic. |
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For children that fall ill frequently, blue_i™ is suitable for them as phycocyanin in blue_i™, will help to boost up their immune system. The recommended dosage for children is half an ampoule per day. |
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Basically, most diabetic patients have sticky blood, which will reduce the blood flow and affect the cells functions. Due to blood stickiness, the capability of insulin to transport sugar to cells will be reduced. And if this occurs over a period of time, the sugar content in their blood will increase resulting in even stickier and more acidic blood condition, exposing them to the risk of having blood clots, gangrene, kidney failure, blindness and heart problems.
Phycocyanin in blue_i™ helps the blood flow to be smoother and helps to increase the activity level of the blood cells. It is very important for diabetics to have a healthy and smooth blood flow. |
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When kidney does not function effectively, toxins in the blood cannot be totally eliminated out. This may further burden the kidney during the detoxification process. If this condition persists, it may results in kidney failure.
Scientist has proven that phycocyanin can protect kidney’s cells by reducing free radicals that attack the kidney and by reducing blood stickiness. Clinical studies have also shown that phycocyanin can help to reduce the risk of the formation of kidney stones. It also helps the kidney to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury and lead. |
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Let us understand better how our body balances blood pressure and the relation between blood and blood pressure.
When the activity of the brain increases, more blood will be transported to the brain.
There are 2 ways that blood can reach the brain fast.
I. Increase the volume of blood pumping out from the heart ---this will increase the systolic level of our blood pressure.
II. Increase the heart pumping rate ---this will increase the diastolic level.
If blood goes to the brain in a rush, blood pressure will become higher and the heart will be overwork. Heart problems might occur if this condition persists over a long period of time.
Blood pressure increase due to over excitement is a normal symptom, and it is not a disease. But, some people who are very calm and emotionally stable, may also have high blood pressure. This is due to the quality of blood and also metabolism of oxygen in our body.
99% of oxygen in our body is carried by red blood cells. If the function of red blood cells are reduced, even if we breathed in enough oxygen, our cells will not get all the oxygen as it needs healthy red blood cells to carry it.
Hence, we can see from the above explanation that blood flow and also quality of blood cells are very important, as it can determine the balance of our blood pressure.
If all of the conditions are improved, blood flow will become better. Hence, reduce the heart’s workload and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases.
blue_i™ contains phycocyanin that can help our body to get rid of free radicals, improve the quality of blood cells and also its stickiness. At the same time, phycocyanin can improve the blood vessel’s elasticity. Hence blue_i™ is very suitable for high blood pressure patients! |
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blue_i™, will play a very important role after surgery, to minimize the two risks patients usually face after surgery, and that is the possibility of loosing too much blood and being susceptible to infection.
Phycocyanin in blue_i™ helps to fortify the immune system and subsequently inhibit growth of bacteria, and reduce infection condition. At the same time, phycocyanin has the ability to increase the production of red blood cells. Thus, it will be extremely helpful for patients to take Blue_i before and after operation. |
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Clinical studies shown that phycocyanin can increase the quantity and activity level of macrophage and lymphocytes. Besides that, it can also stimulate the production of antibodies. At the same time, it has anti-inflammatory effect and also inhibits the growth and spreading condition of some viruses.
Phycocyanin known to have a strong antioxidant effect which not only can get rid of free radicals, but it also helps in increasing the functions of liver and kidney. |
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After undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, most cancer patients will generally feel weak and ill. This is because, cancer cells and healthy cells have been destroyed hence the immune system and organs have also been affected. when the organs are affected, their functions are compromised; even the functions of bone marrow are drastically impaired.
Bone marrow is the blood factory, where blood production including white blood cells and red blood cells occurs. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will greatly impair the function of the bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells.
Once phycocyanin enters the bloodstream, it will begin to repair the damaged blood cells and enhance their functions. Phycocyanin has also been proven to stimulate and increase the bone marrow’s function even after chemotherapy and a radiotherapy session.
The R & D center in Switzerland had done a crystallization study on blue_i™. They found out that blue_i™ crystallization structure is similar to human red blood cells, hence it can be absorbed rapidly into our bloodstream.
Medical research has also shown that, phycocyanin can increase the function of antibodies and white blood cells and is able to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Hence, the benefits of phycocyanin to cancer patient’s health are enormous. The 100% phycocyanin content in blue_i™ is very effective on cancer patients. |
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We are exposed to free radicals daily, from the food we eat to our lifestyle. The only solution to this problem is to provide sufficient antioxidants.
blue_i™’s R&D Center in Switzerland has proven that the antioxidant level of blue_i™ is 50 times more than “dry” spirulina, and phycocyanin in blue_i™ can help in improving the quality of our blood cells and the blood flow.
Long-term consumption of blue_i™ will definitely give big credit to our health.
It is better to invest in your health than to spend on medical bills. |
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No, in fact you should continue to take other supplements as well. After consuming blue_i™, your blood and blood cells are healthier and your cells will easily absorb all the nutrients from the supplements that you take. |
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The glass ampoule of blue_i™ follows the standard guidelines of ISO9001 food grade. This means that consuming small amounts of glass pieces will not harm our body. |