“It is becoming more apparent that, the heart and blood vessels undergo changes with advancing age, and these changes, including vascular thickening are the major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Today, cardiovascular disease have become one of the most common disorders in the elderly & people with unhealthy lifestyle.”

grape_EX™,Your Heart Savior !
grape_EX ™ is developed in Switzerland using advanced Swiss Bio-Technology :
i) Advance Swiss Biotech processing flow

Brief introduction of processing flow for the production of grape_EX™:-
1. Raw Materials analysis
  Grapes are grown under proper controlled conditions.
  Grapes are then carefully harvested to obtain the raw materials for production.
  All raw materials are analyzed for conformity with specification and filed.
2. Biotechnological processing technique
  The product is prepared in a temperature controlled area.
  Ingredients are checked for conformity with specification on color, smell, taste.
  Ingredients are process using advance biotechnology to ensure that the active component is preserved in the most natural form.
3. Automated packaging
  The packaging is fully automated and carried out under a sterilized and hygienic condition.
  This process is recognized by ISO Certification.
ii) Superior antioxidants
grape_EX™can effectively eliminates free radicals. It’s antioxidant effect is 20 times stronger than Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful anti-oxidative effects than Vitamin E.
iii)Easily absorb by human body
grape_EX™ has a nearly 100% bioavailability. It is water soluble and can be absorb into the blood stream within a few minutes through the oral and gastric mucosa and is distribute within a short period of time into the various organs as well as to the entire body tissues, including skin, hair and nails.
iv) Sealed ampoule packaging
It is vacuum-packed by using ISO9001: 2000 approved special glass ampoules. It will not only prevent the harmful effects of UV rays, bacteria and invasion of other harmful substances, but also will ensure that the quality and freshness of the product is well maintained.

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