01. What is grape_EX™ ?
02. What is OPC ?
03. What is the difference between grape_EX™ and grape seed extracts, as OPC is derived from grape seed extracts?
04. Why is it important to have a healthy heart ?
05. How can grape_EX™ improve health in general ?
06. grape_EX™ safe to be taken ?
07. Is grape_EX™ halal ?
08. What is the uniqueness of grape_EX ™ in comparison to other supplements ?
09. Who can take grape_EX™ ?
10. How to consume grape_EX™ ?
11. How much grape_EX™ should I take ?
12. What significant improvements will I be able to see after consuming grape_EX™ ?
13. Do I need to take grape_EX™ daily ?
14. Should I consult with my doctor before taking grape_EX™ ?
15. grape_EX™comes in glass ampoule. What happens if I accidentally ingest some of the glass ampoule ?
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